Distance today: 33.6km
Distance total: 1631.0km
Time hiked: 8h 38min
Time total: 457h 21min
Waking up with the first light at 5:15 and on the track 30 minutes later. That's how I like it!
I'm about 2 kilometers into the hike when George texts me that I forgot my Injinji socks (after already forgetting my hiking poles yesterday at their house...). How embarrassing!
They then text me they'd drive south to meet me somewhere around Bulls and hand over my socks. And sure enough, an hour later I spot George's car. They give me my socks and some chocolate before heading to Napier with Celina.
This guys are unbelievable!
The rest of the day is a forgettable road walk. I pass through Bulls, where I walk into Dylan and Rose. Together we continue to Mt. Lees Reserve. While they continue on to Feilding (they started in Bulls today), I decide to pitch my tent here. 4 Brits are joining me later. Together we spend an entertaining evening drinking beer and playing President (aka "Arschlöchle").

Write a comment
Ji Young (Friday, 18 November 2016 09:06)
Hey! It is fun to read your journey!!