I am writing these lines from the arrival hall at Trondheim airport, after spending a short night here and after a long, tiresome journey from Zurich.
Exhausted, but still somehow relieved that my new adventure has finally started.
There really is not that much to write. Honestly, I just kill some time, waiting for my train to Trondheim Central Station, where I will connect to a train bound for Roros. Somewhere in between, I really want to find gas for my cooker. So far I haven't been lucky. The gas station at the airport, did not have any camping gas. At least they had (well needed) coffee.
The flights yesterday where uneventful. Heavy rain and thunder in Zurich, which delayed my first flight, rain again in Oslo. Because the same aircraft operated my second flight to Trondheim, I could make the connection. No free night in a hotel in Oslo after all...
The sun is shining here at Tromdheim airport. Blue skies in fact. But the sunny weather wont join me to Roros. Heavy rain is forcasted for the next two days.
So I am not fully certain that I will start my hike today. Maybe, I will wait a bit for the worst of the weather to pass. But there is still a bit of time to decide.

Write a comment
George Mills (Sunday, 07 July 2024 06:03)
You made it. Have a great hike. Looking forward to following your adventures
Rob Firmin (Sunday, 07 July 2024 18:00)
Flight radar came in handy as George was showing me your route and telling me where you were. Despite your hiccup departure you made it. All the long months of consideration and planning, are now at the hatching time for you to make it happen.
As George said, we're "looking forward to following your adventures"
You've been waiting for this for a long time, so now, make it happen, and in doing so - ENJOY the journey along the way. Reacquainting yourself with places from before, and with past friends, new ones to be made.
Noho haumaru �