Roros to Bredalsibua
Distance: 15km
Getting from Trondheim Airport to Roros is straightforward. Train to the City, another train to Roros. However, the connection is bad and the trains are slow. It takes me roughly 6 hours. I don't mind, I am not in a hurry to get off the train and into the rain, to hit the trail. While the train ride is actually quite picturesque, the bad weather and the tiredness, which hits me, makes for a difficult ride. Anyway, during my long layover in Tromdheim, I'm on a mission. Mission camping gas. Mission impossible as it turns out. Nevertheless, while looking for it in gas station, I meet to young cashiers. They apologize for their gas station poor selection and invite me for a well needed coffee, before I continue to Roros.
Once off the train, I head straight to the nearest gas station. One of my last chances... And success. With 175 kroners It's ridiculously expensive. It has to be a superb gas. Anyway, I am happy I have it.
In the waiting lounge of the train station, I change, get ready for my hike in the rain. With every minute, I feel better (maybe the chocolate I have bought together with the gas helped). And when I finally hit the trail, there's even a dry spell.
Navigating out of town is easy. After my third visit in Roros, I start to know my way around. Eventually, I leave the road. After 2 steps, both my shoes are soaked. A taste of what is yet to come. But it was expected. But beside being wet, the trail is fantastic to walk. No ticks, no mosquitos. And from time to time I am even able to ignore the weather, which is getting harsher by the minute. And it's during these moments, I really enjoy being back out there.
Still, despite being outside for only 3 hours, I start feeling uncomfortably cold. Luckily, there's a hut/shelter close to the trail. Without thinking too much, I head straight for it. It turns out to be a lovely wee hut and despite only a short distance walked, a suitable place to set camp.
While writing these lines, the weather is becoming more intense. I feels good being sheltered in here - enjoying the luxury
However, it will be the first and only hut like this along my way and I fully appreciate that from tomorrow onwards, I will be more exposed to the elements. So fingers crossed, the weather will improve.
Write a comment
George Mills (Sunday, 07 July 2024 22:13)
Looks like your off to a good start and in a happy mood. A good omen for the rest of the tramp. The rain can't last forever!
Fredy Koster (Tuesday, 09 July 2024 05:20)
You finally have arrived in Norway. What a beautiful trail and landscape. And the bycycle lift is interesting.