Bivacco Poggio to Catania
Distance: 35km
Once the sun went down, so did the temperature. In fact, I was lighting a small fire.
The temperatures dropped even more overnight. I am surprised how far they dropped when I go out to do my morning business.
My hands and toes feel cold as I continue my halfway round the mountain track. Yet, the views of Etna and the now flatter landscape around are magnificent and make me forget the cold. It feels like it's just me, the volcano and some birds. A very tranquil atmosphere.
It takes a while until the sun appears from behind the mountain. For once, some warmth is highly appreciated. By then I am already nearing Nicolosi. From there, the hiking experience changes drastically. Busy roads, terrible drivers, drivers throwing garbage out of their window right in front of me and as I descend hot and humid conditions. Without taking a break a push on towards Catania, where I have booked a hotel. The last couple of days have been long and I need some time to plan my last days on the trail.
At exactly 15:00 I arrive at my hotel. Super small room but the view of Catania and the sea from the 16th floor easily compensate for that.
After spending the last 3 hours on busy roads all I need is a bit of rest to wind down. Then it's time for planning upcoming days. 3 maybe 4 more days hiking. I sure am getting close.
Then it's time for some sightseeing. I ask Google what to see. Nothing in particular is standing out. So I just head out, strolling around the busy streets. After a while I have enough of the hustle and bustle, buy some cheese and ice cream and head back to my room, where I have my dinner for one, enjoying the fabulous view.

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George Mills (Monday, 26 June 2023 22:08)
Certainly a change from the mountain to the cityscape. I see you are starting late from the hotel so enjoy your respite then back on the track.
Rob (Tuesday, 27 June 2023 00:58)
Tenā koe Sandro. Sounds absolutely deserved to shout yourself a hotel room. Good to have a Vista to see the city and sea. From recollection there is an ancient amphitheater in the city. A reminder of the Roman occupation and claim, and today still remains part of modern day Italy. Anyway ...
This isn't intended to be a history or archeology lesson �
Yeah, you sure are getting closer to your eventual goal.
We were watching a documentary the other night which was about the "White Tail Sea Eagle" which once inhabited the skies of the Mediterranean. Today (apparently) there are only 6 couples in the wild. Almost hunted to extinction by fisherman across the Mediterranean.
It reminded me of you ... and how much of your journey has been on your own (like the eagle) and seeking others of its kind, even just for company.
This has certainly been a journey for you. A wonderful hikoi.
May your remaining days bring your sheer JOY!