Salerno Camping to Vatolla
Distance: 45km
As the previous night, my sleep is not good at all. I stay awake most of the time. And I can't really figure out why.
I hit the beach shortly before 05:00. Everything goes well until I want to cross a first river. On the satellite image it looks like a harmless enough crossing. In reality... Not so much. I do a trial run without backpack. I make it across but I am in the water waist deep. On the way back, I get swept away by the current. It needs quite an effort to swim back ashore. And this all happens before 06:00. What a start into my day.
Crossing with the backpack is a clear no go. Since the beaches are mostly private, there's no access to the road. I backtrack. A 30 minutes detour. Not what I need. I cross the river via the bridge and rejoin the beach. But only for a wee while. A small port is blocking my way and again no way out. I squeeze under a gate. Rejoin the busy road. Narrow, no side walk. A terrible walk. My hiking spirit reaches a daily low. Not what I expected my beach walk day to be like.
But I don't give up. Rejoin the beach once more. This time it's a wonderful beach walk all the way to Agropoli. Several times, I go for a swim. The beaches slowly but surely become busier. I wonder what people think of me walking the beach with a big backpack. I come to the conclusion they probably think I am just another guy trying to sell fake clothes or watches. Totally fine with me.
I leave the beach at Agropoli, head inland again. Spontaneously, I decide looking for a dry roof. The weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow morning is getting worse by the minute. I get lucky, find a very affordable bed and breakfast close to the trail. A short backtrack but I am used to that already.
I arrive 30 minutes after making the reservation. The hosts, a outgoing Austrian couple, welcome me their lovely place with great views. They offer to cook me dinner. I am glad I accepted because it's delicious. After some nice talk and self made liquor, I excuse myself and head to my room. I'll take it slow tomorrow. The last 6 days have been rather long ones and I don't feel like heading out into the rain that early.

Write a comment
Rob (Thursday, 15 June 2023 06:45)
Tenă koe Sandro. I see a TA marker there too.
Another beaut day here.
Your hosts seemed like wonderful people. Great!
Fredy Koster (Thursday, 15 June 2023 16:10)
Huh, swept away by the current. That for sure sounds a bit adventurous. And also for sure put your adrenalin level high.
Good thinking to do it without your backback!