Monte Castellaccio to Punta Sassopecoraro
Distance: 45km
After yesterday's experience, I am a bit weary when it comes tracks leading nowhere. So today when, shortly after leaving my camp, a sign posts shows directly into the undergrowth, without any clear path visible, I decide on taking back roads instead today. Adds a bit of distance but it saves my nerves. Therefore, there's really not much to tell about today's hike. A mix of forest, farmland and small settlements. All of them looking run down a bit. While roadwalk means good progress, it's also hard on the body. I feel stiff, when I reach Scheggia. After 11 hours in the hot sun, I treat myself to an ice cream and refill 5 liters of water, before tackling the last climb, leading me into the Monte Cucco Regional Park. As I climb higher, the views become spectacular. I find myself a spot to camp. Not many suitable places but eventually I get lucky. It's windy though but after being on the trail for 13 hours, I walked enough. Enough water but too much wind to cook. Oh well, so a cold dinner it is. Anyway, the views easily make up for it.

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Fredy Koster (Friday, 26 May 2023 21:20)
Lovely landscape. And I love the road signs. No wonder you get lost :)
Good night.
Rob (Saturday, 27 May 2023 08:44)
Tenā koe Sandro. Glad to hear you got through the day after initial confusion. Ahhh an ice cream. Ironically, I said to George this morning, "let's have a Trumpet, and send Sandro a photo" ... I didn't get my wish. Lesson learned - next time ignore and have one anyway! On the flip side of that, Trumpets are smaller now! Shame the price doesn't match the smaller size.
Your photos tell their stories.
Gee, apparently we "officially" move to Winter in a few days. As far as I'm concerned, we're already in Winter.
Take care. Keep tramping �