Ziegelhausen Shelter to Hühnerbüschle
Distance: 50km
A different day compared to yesterday. Firstly the weather: it is sunny throughout the day. And warm. And I have to say: I prefer sweating over rain.
Then there's the landscape: much flatter and mostly farmland. Hardly any forest. The wheatfields are shining golden - a wonderful view. Being quite low, altitude wise, the cherries are mostly gone, replaced by apples and blackberries. Even some mirabelles are ready to eat. One village has a designated stretch of path, where hikers are being encouraged by a sign to pick whatever is ripe. Such a sweet idea!
Other than that there's really not much to tell. I meet a fellow Swiss, nobo from Switzerland to Hamburg. In sections of 2 to five days each. My first Swiss I have met since resuming my hike in Germany. He warns me that the Black Forest will be steep, rough, tough. Sounds like a nice challenge to me.
My overnight spot is located on an outdoor event location with a playground and fitness parcour. Close to the road. Certainly not ideal but there's simply no other option. I'll be up and on the way early tomorrow anyway as a long day but also a nice meal, a shower and a bed are awaiting me in Pforzheim!

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Rob (Tuesday, 28 June 2022 23:43)
Whenever we see small huts we often wonder "how many TAs can fit in that?" Or when looking at gardens and sections "how many TA tents can fit there?"
A good focus to have is your next night stay. Bliss.
Yes, I can imagine the Black Forest area to be a striking contrast to what you have been walking through. Enjoy.