Day 134: I Blame It On Jack

Oelkesberg Shelter to Kalte Kirche Shelter 

Distance: 45km

Some high cirrus clouds are decorating the early morning sky, as I start into another hiking day. It's dry, warm. The rich smell of fresh cut grass is hanging in the air. A lovely morning. 

The views of the rolling hills in front of the rising sun are fantastic. The landscape is covered in yellow light. I enjoy every moment of it until I head into the forest. And forest is what I see throughout most of the day. A constant up and down (probably the most vertical meters so far), over Heiden and some viewing points like the Kahler Asten, which is crawling with people. Yet, I find a bench, away from the trouble and have a short siesta. The heat is daunting. 

After yesterday, today I once more miss a turn and walk into the wrong direction. Half an hour wasted. And as if I don't walk enough already. I can't blame it on the markings. But I can point my finger at Jack Reacher. As main character in the new thriller "Sentinel" by Lee Child. It's captivating. Too captivating. It's consuming my attention. Missing turns the result. Still, I'll keep listening to this audio book. It's too addictive. And time is flying. 

During my siesta on Kahler Asten, I also search for possible places to spend the night. I find to options. Antonius HÀuschen, along the trail, and Kalte Kirche Shelter 1.5 kilometers off trail. I hope the first option will cut it but after a last strenuous climb from Westfeld it's instantly clear the place is not suitable. So I continue for another 20 minutes. The scenery looks like this morning. Pastures, great views. Time passes quickly and in no time I reach the shelter. It's neat, the view fantastic. Only the root covered floor is a bit of a turn off. Gonna be tricky to find a place to but the mattress. But I am done for the day. No way I continue. And the view is simply too good to continue. And I wouldn't know where to go either. 

So I enjoy my dinner with a view. Lentil Fusilli. My favorite 😋

Lovely morning mood to start into my day
Lovely morning mood to start into my day
The view!
The view!
Everything covered in golden light
Everything covered in golden light
The skiing town of Willingen
The skiing town of Willingen
Siesta time
Siesta time
Nice stretch through some wetlands
Nice stretch through some wetlands
Only a bit more than 3000 kilometers to go. Peanuts.
Only a bit more than 3000 kilometers to go. Peanuts.
My shelter
My shelter
And my dinner
And my dinner

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Comments: 3
  • #1

    Fredy Koster (Friday, 17 June 2022 20:52)

    Hi Sandro
    So great pictures again. Especially the golden light picture is beautiful, like magic.
    Your favorite food is Lentil Fusilli! I thought it was Ice Cream::)) Bon appétit.
    Lovely hut, sleep well.

  • #2

    Rob (Saturday, 18 June 2022)

    Ahhh ... the colours of Summer. Looking wonderful. Your photographs remind me of the scenic photos of your TA walk which you made into a calendar. We still have that calendar in Henry's Hut.
    Your photographs here are a prelude to what we can expect to revisit us again soon.
    Enjoy your Summer. Take care. Stay safe ïżœ

  • #3

    Rob (Saturday, 18 June 2022 07:27)

    Your Hut and shelter photos along with your comments, is giving me food for thought. Rather than construct a hut, I'm thinking of what I can create at the back of the garage. Hmmm???


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