Viborg to Christianshøj
Distance: 40km
Yesterday, I left the waiting room shortly after 17:00 for some sightseeing and shopping. The city makes a great impression on me, with its wonderfully decorated old town.
Ingeborg, my last night's host, was already awaiting me. What follows are a hot shower, interesting talks, delicious food and a good night's sleep.
Today, I start into my day slowly as I don't feel like rushing but rather enjoy the warmth of the flat a bit longer. Still, by 07:30 and after a filling porridge, I have to say goodbye to my lovely host, who actually walked the same trail to Flensburg as well and could thus provide some helpful information. It's blue hour when I step out of the flat. In combination with the golden Christmas decorations a nice view.
It takes me awhile to navigate out to the city. But once I have made it, a proper hiking trail with initially great views over two lakes is awaiting me. After walking on hard surfaces for 3 days, the soft forest soil feels pleasant to walk on.
For once I can't complain about the weather. Only light winds, sunny and not too cold. In fact, it's perfect hiking weather.
My body feels good today. So good that I walk the first 4.5 hours without taking a break. At this pace I will make it to my shelter well before sunset. After zigzaging through some more forest and with the very last sun rays, I make it to my shelter, where it's back to my normal routine. Unpack, cook, eat and crawl into my sleeping bag as it gets uncomfortably cold quickly. Might not sound too attractive but I actually start enjoying this simple, lazy after hike lifestyle. Dolce far niente without feeling bad.

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Fredy (Wednesday, 24 November 2021 17:33)
That's a really wonderful thing these couchsurfers. To have a nice place to recharge I think is a very good thing.
Verfy beautiful scenery you are walking. And not to many tourist around:) And yes, when I look at the " Follow me " map I think you have walked more the half of Danmark already.