Day 99: Bye Bye Motivation

Saxtopsdammen to Torup

Distance: 45km

A question has been occupying my mind for a while now: on a cycle track, do you walk right, with the traffic, or left, against the traffic? On a road with cars is clear that you walk on the opposite side and I think it's worldwide the same.
On cycle tracks however, I am never so sure. I try to observe the locals but they don't seem to have a clear rule either. Which is the same as in Switzerland. So I walk sometimes left, sometimes right but never entirely sure if I so it the right way.
Today as well. With a particularly high percentage of cycle tracks.
The morning is warm but grey. High humidity and poor visibility. My skin feels sticky soon after leaving the vindskydd. A bit of rain later fills the air with even more moisture.
The hike is completely unspectacular. With the exception of the Lomma, which, with its busy harbor, is quite interesting.
It's also where I leave the west coast for good. At least on this hike. 
I'm heading inland. A lot of industry until I finally reach open farmland and soon afterwards Torup, a super busy recreational area. 
The vindskydd is free though so I make myself comfortable.
Today, I was suffering. Especially in the afternoon. As always on my second to last day on a long hike. It's purely a mental thing. Probably, my brain is already seeing me in Smygehuk. It's so close. 


Close yes, but I am not there yet. Tomorrow I will be there. Hopefully. Another 40 kilometers. Should be manageable. And the last day usually goes much more smoothly again. Then the sign post (or whatever is expecting me in Smygehuk), which I will touch later that day is motivation enough to keep me going. 
About to leave the Kattegat Sea
About to leave the Kattegat Sea
A last look back
A last look back
Lomma Harbour
Lomma Harbour
Cycle trail to Torup
Cycle trail to Torup
Torup vindskydd
Torup vindskydd

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