Vessigebro to Trönninge Beach
Distance: 55km
Despite being in the middle of the town, surrounded by lights, which for no obvious reason would stay on the whole night, I sleep rather well.
It's a chilly morning though and I decide to get changed in the nicely heated toilet/shower. With first light I leave Vessigebro. Initially along Hallandsleden along a farm track, before leaving it direction Halmstad. Road walk all the way through. The first 20 kilometers are on surprisingly scenic back roads with not too much traffic. I walk it non stop. Only before reaching the highway E6 (the same E6, where I started my E1 on at Nordkapp) I have a quick break. Luckily, the shoulder to walk on is very generous, making it an okay walk. Thinking of the sea my motivation this afternoon. Eventually, I leave the highway again and follow back roads into Halmstad. A busy city. Larger than I was expecting it to be. Until very recently my planned end of E1 in Sweden.
Plans changed though. Luckily. Halmstad wouldn't have been a worthy ending. Located halfway between Göteborg and Malmö. Nothing too exciting about its location. And I don't feel like finishing either. It feels like something is odd, missing. After mountains and the forest I'm craving for the coast. And it's right here, here in Halmstad. With time and weather on my side, I see nothing against continuing. Especially, since there is a coastal trail called Skåneleden, starting just 30 kilometers south of Halmstad and going all the way down to Malmö.
So I dart right through the town. Takes me two long hours until I reach the other end. From there though it's not far to the sea anymore. With more than 50 kilometers in my legs and a close call with a cyclist (I completely blame it on me) I pitch my tent at the basically first contact with the see. Seems to be a popular spot with the locals, despite the motorway being clearly audible in the background. Yet, it's a lovely place with a great view up and down the coast.
Me a happy camper? Honestly? Not as much as I thought I would be.
I guess I still need a couple of hours to realize that I have finally made it to the sea. Something I was daydreaming about for a long time. Probably I am just too exhausted from my day.
Tomorrow, I am quite sure, I will wake up with a big grin on my face, full of fresh energy and motivation to explore Sweden's west coast.

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