Gällarpesjön to Vessigebro
Distance: 45km
No one showed up yesterday. I don't mind as I can pack my stuff without worrying I might be waking up anyone else. It feels good to be on the trail well before
sunrise. The peacefulness, the intense smell of the forest. A lot of beech forest today - welcome change to the birch and pine forest. Yet, also this late change won't make me miss the forest.
Don't get me wrong, I like forest. A lot. Just as much as the mountains. After nearly a month between the trees however (I counted 643'754'490 of them), I feel like a change again. The ticks, the
mud further north and the freshly chopped forests did not exactly help to improve my experience. Nevertheless, the trees gave me shelter from wind and rain, kept me cool in the afternoon sun and
they allowed blue- and blackberry bushes to thrive below them. To be fair: I'm certainly gonna miss those healthy sweet treats.
While the "official" E1 would continue one more day on forestry roads, initially heading east before circling back to Halmstad, I head straight down to Halmstad.
Saves me one day. A day I rather spend somewhere along the beach on Skåneleden.
But at this very moment, I am still on E1. Vessigebro to be precise. A lively, small farm town. Here I have found a supermarket and stumbled across a
park/playground/football field. There's a shelter with toilet, shower and electricity nearby. Especially since my batteries are getting empty, the power outlets are highly appreciated. And the
shower is a nice extra too. I'm actually really happy to have found this place. Thank you Vessigebro for this nice place!

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George Mills (Sunday, 05 September 2021 21:20)
Ah a Topsy at last. (The ice cream). Haven't see one of those for years. All the rage in my childhood