Day 92: A Hymn To The Vindskydd

Stora Hornsjön to Gällarpesjön

Distance: 30km


A warmer night for a better sleep. In fact I sleep until I am waken up by the first rays of sun finding their way into the vindskydd at around 06:30.
It has gotten late again yesterday. Mathias from Träslövsläge, joined me later that evening in the vindskydd. I got offered a beer and together we spent the evening talking in front of the fire.
I'm about to leave, when Mathias hands me a cuppa coffee. Of course I gladly accept. It is a short day and I'm not especially keen on hitting the overgrown trail anyway. While the first few kilometers are okay, the trail soon gets a bit less enjoyable. There's not much to write, really. Lots of forest. All I am looking for is dinner at my vindskydd. 
Vindskydd. A word which I have never heard until I actually arrived in Sweden. In Sälen, to be precise, when I was planning my next sections, I first read about them. But even then, I had only a vague idea of what they are, what I have to expect. Something sheltering me from the wind. 
Now, nearly a month later, they have become an essential part and highlight of my thru-hike. In fact I think they will turn out to be one of the most memorable things in Sweden. They gave me shelter from wind and rain. They all looked similar, most of them were beautifully located by a lake. That's why I can't recall every single one of them. But all together of them formed a very clear picture of a typical vindskydd. And it's a lovely picture. 
However, it's not only the location, it's also the people that made them a good choice to stay. I met other thru hikers, cyclists, fishermen, two day one night trippers, fathers who needed a weekend away from their wife and kids. With all of them I had interesting conversations, learning new things. I enjoyed the talks in front of the fire. Talks, which were getting deeper, more sentimental as the stars came out and the fire getting weaker. That was not a hymn, was it? I couldn't find a better title. Sorry. However, I think it was high time to appreciate them. 


And tonight? Gällarpesjön? Another nice one. Not the most scenic I have been to but I will definitely have a lovely evening in front of the fire. So far no one else showed up. There's a family camping nearby. But being a sunny, mild Saturday evening, I wouldn't be surprised if more people are showing up. I'll let you know tomorrow. 
Hornsjön vindskydd dipped in lovely morning light
Hornsjön vindskydd dipped in lovely morning light
So is the beach
So is the beach
Some ancient mills again. Other than that a rather dull walk.
Some ancient mills again. Other than that a rather dull walk.
Brand new road through farmland.
Brand new road through farmland.
Gällarpesjön Vindskydd
Gällarpesjön Vindskydd

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