31. August 2021
Day 88: Easy Vindskydding
Abborrsjön to St Härsjön
Distance: 25km
I'm planning on staying in my warm, cozy sleeping bag until the sun is heating up the vindskydd. The mystical morning mood however, makes me crawl out of my sleeping bag well
before sunrise, to take some nice photos. It was well worth it I think.
By seven, I'm back on the trail. Destination: Hindås. Not much to write about the hike. My legs feel tired as does my whole body. After a brief resupply stop in Hindås and a visit
to the second hand store to finally get a book (it took me 3 weeks...), I am leaving Sjuhäradsleden (even though Rita tried to teach me how to pronounce it, I'm still unable
to do so) and joining Vildmarksleden, which will take me all the way to the outskirts of Göteborg.
Not much changes. The markings look a bit different, the trail generally wider, better maintained.
It's a hot day. Not much wind. I can't wait to jump into the water. So I push a bit on the last few kilometers, passing plenty of little lakes. Before 16:00 I arrive at the
vindskydd. What should I say? As beautiful as always. Right by the lake, perfect for swimming.
A German couple, which has been cycling for the last three months, is joining me. Tomorrow is their last day before returning to Kiel.
I still have to go a bit longer. I don't mind. At all! I am really looking forward for my last few days.

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Write a comment
George Mills (Wednesday, 01 September 2021 00:35)
I've worked out why you are going on your present route. It goes past the Airport