Sälen (Vindfallen) to Sundetkojan
Distance: 50km
After taking it (too) easy the last few days, my restless feet want to be unleashed again. Before five, I leave my cozy cabin.
A bit of road bash along a quiet highway takes me to Sälen, where I join the Vasaloppsleden. Overall, a pleasant mix of forestry roads and forest tracks. Some of
them boardwalked (I actually quite like these boardwalks as I feel like floating above the ground), some rocky bits but mostly pure, soft forest soil. Pleasant and easy to walk.
I'm thinking big today. About me, skirting around Göteborg in a few weeks, the beach walk in Denmark next year and my arrival in Switzerland. Of course, I need to
think big when I plan my big hikes. However, while hiking, thinking too far ahead is usually not a wise thing. It makes me feel small, the goal unachievable when I walk with my 4 kilometers an
Anyway, I pass some little villages and some ancient mills (not George ;). The day goes by fairly unspectacularly. Until some towering cumulus clouds bring in some
spice when they turn into full grown cumulu-nimbus clouds. And I am headed right for them. Luckily, the lightning seem to be within the cloud. Still, the thunder directly above me is impressive.
It's a constant rumble. I keep on pressing, aiming for my hut. Shortly before reaching it, fat, lazy raindrops start plunging down. I'm astonished it took them so long. Now... should I change
into rain gear or continue in my sunshine outfit? I go for the latter and with a sprint I make it reasonably dry to the hut. Spectacularly located on a lake.
While it's pouring down outside, I unpack and get my food ready. 50 kilometers make me hungry... Before eating and changing I quickly jump into the inviting lake.
Surprisingly warm but I retain from swimming out. Would be a shame to get struck by a lightning with dinner already cooking.
After finishing my big pot of pasta, I play 3 rounds of Yatze with my young German hut mate (and stand no chance). While playing weather improves greatly. In fact
the weather and the glittering lake look so inviting that I finish a lovely day with a sunset swim.

Write a comment
George Mills (Wednesday, 11 August 2021 21:27)
You're in a happy mood. Two jokes is very high for you. The thunder was Odin getting back for being cheeky. Keep on trailing.
George Mills (Thursday, 12 August 2021 02:15)
Sorry Thor not Odin
Rob (Friday, 13 August 2021 08:44)
I'm sure George is walking in your shadow, and being in front. You cast a short shadow which is getting longer and your days draw in less daylight hours. He almost seems to know (or guessing), with comments like "he must be heading ...", or retrospectively "I can see where he's been"
We seem to sometimes be sharing similar weather patterns.
Always happy to hear your messages. And of course, to compare your voice message to your app.
Take care. Stay well. Stay safe. Noho haumaru.
Rob (Friday, 13 August 2021 08:46)
Ooops ... forgot to mention - clear crisp beautiful photos Sandro