Stupsjön to Id-Persätern
Distance: 40km
To beat the mosquitoes, I'm on my way by 05:15. It's another cold morning but the rising sun is warming me up quickly. The first roughly 10 kilometers are forestry
roads, the remaining 30 kilometers are on a hiking trail. Again through forest and wetlands with very limited views. It's fairly easy going, well marked, clear path. 30 kilometers on the same
trail is a long time though. Time is passing slowly (and this is only a taste how the landscape will look like further south... ) I kill the time by randomly trying to name all US-States. I think
I got around 30 out of... Good question. Around 50?
Anyway, eventually I make it to my sleeping place at Id-Persätern. Lovely old shelter and perfect for the night.
There's not much more to tell so let's talk about food. Food - one of the most important things on a hike. You burn a lot of calories, you need to eat lot of them.
If you run out of food, you run into trouble. Simple facts.
To avoid running out, I usually always carry one or two extra days worth of food. Be it because I am slower than planned or I have to sit out bad weather. For this
275 Kilometer-stretch I have food for 8 days. For each day one bag. Dinner is straight forward: usually 250 grams of pasta with fried onion. I'm not picky here.
I never eat breakfast as I am an early bird when it comes to hiking. Usually I have a first break after 2 to 3 hours where I start opening my food bag. It weights
roughly 750 grams containing mostly peanuts and raisins (I don't really like it so I don't eat it too quickly). Then comes the delicious stuff, which I hide beneath the peanuts and raisins and
varies from one time to the other (depending on what I find in the store). For these 7 days it's 100 grams of chocolate, 1 Müsli bar, 1 Norwegian Version of KitKat, 6 cockies, licorice and some
dried fruits.
This is going to be all I get until dinner. If I run out, too bad. Only when I get closer to resupply again, I start to splurge a bit, eating through my reserves.
However, mostly just the good stuff like chocolate and cookies ;)

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