Revlingsjoane to Stupsjön
Distance: 45km
Even though I pitched my tent, without thinking to much, on the first suitable spot yesterday, I notice this morning that I pitched it on a strategically good spot.
The first sun rays hit my tent at 05:35. Highly appreciated as it's a crisp morning. My outer tent is actually covered in ice.
After yesterday's rocky nightmare, I'm scared it might be the same again today. But no! It's much smoother going. Proper hiking trails with, thanks to the gorgeous
weather, spectacular views. I'm flying towards the border - extremely happy that I can leave Norway on such a lovely trail. Leaving Norway: after hiking 60 days through this amazing country (with
a quick detour through Finland and north Sweden) it is, for me, quite a big milestone. In fact, after crossing the polar circle, the second milestone on this trip. I need this milestones. They
are "proof" for me I am making progress.
On the Araroa for example, these milestones were Auckland, finishing the North Island and then Queenstown.
So it's bye Norway and hello Sweden. Not much changes though. The trail markings change from dark red to orange. A welcome change as I had trouble with finding the
dark red markings when facing the sun. Which is often the case, when heading southbound (on the northern hemos3at least). The area around the border (Swedish side) is busy with dozens of cloud
berry pickers. There really are a lot of berries here.
It gets quieter quickly and soon I am in the forest, all by myself. Eventually I join a forestry road and after 45km pitch my tent on the road side. The like I was
aiming for unfortunately has no access. Still, while my spot is not necessarily romantic, it has all I need. It's flat, it's shelter, it has water... and unfortunately mosquitoes.

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Fredy (Friday, 06 August 2021 20:45)
Hi Sandro, what a so beautiful spot for camping, seems to me almost surreal.
And your feet for sure could use a pedicure:) But no wonder, they have a lot of work to do. Many milages, ha.
Crossing to Sweden on a very nice, sunny day. You look good.
Machs guet