Aksla to Krutvasshytta
Distance: 25km
Weather: great. Trail: good. This basically sums up my day.
But there are some things to add. After yesterday's long day, I'm suffering somewhat today. Everything feels stiff and I never get into the hiking mood. I rather pick Cloud Berries, which are everywhere.
It's only 15:00h, when I decide to call it a day, spending the remaining afternoon in a lovely seaside hut. My first Norwegian hut, where it's completely legal to sleep. No need to worry getting kicked out in the middle of the night.
I have a quick, well needed wash in the lake. It's warm. No mosquitoes. I'm enjoying the view while I get dry.
Even though it's wonderful outside, I head back inside. I guess if you spend most of my time outside hiking, you appreciate my time under a roof as well.
With a fire going, it's getting comfy quickly.
Oh yeah, the title... About half way into my (short) day I meet three cool guys from South Norway on their way to Nordkapp. We have a nice talk, exchanging experiences. Also the phone I found comes up. The three hikers are following "Team Ida" on Instagram. Two girls, both named Ida, hiking to Nordkapp, too. Apparently they posted that one of them needs a new phone as it got lost. It's the same girl that, according to the guy in Umbukta, needed new shoes. Bingo! Happy I found the phone and hopefully they get it working again. Anyway: this example shows, the "trail world" is small. It's like a small family of similarly crazy people. And it's something I love about long distance hiking.

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