Kvepsendal to Umbukta
Distance: 35km
With hiking to Umbukta and resupply in Mo I Rana I have an ambitious goal today. So I start with first light, which is currently at 05:00h. Initially, the trail continues the way it was yesterday. A pleasure to walk on. Unfortunately, it becomes muddier, rockier and overgrown once it passes north of Melkfjellet. At one point it is more of stumbling than walking. Anyway, I eventually make it up to an unnamed pass, at 1050 meters the highest point of today. A steep climb over mossy rocks and snow.
On the other side, going gets surprisingly easy again and the Umbukta Express is speeding towards its destination, which it's reaching at 15:30 - well ahead of schedule.
Once there, I try to find the owner of the Umbukta fjellstue, to hand him over the phone. Not easy but eventually I spot him. A cool guy, hiked the length of Norway three times. Twice by foot, once with skis.
The phone has a shopping list attached, which, among other items, says 'new shoes'. He remembers having hosted a guest, who mentioned buying new shoes. If it's really this guest's phone it would be super cool.
Anyway, the owner asks me what my plan is for today and adds, I could stay for free in his lake side cabin and join a group of horse riders for dinner tonight. Sounds extremely tempting and I tell him that if I can make it back to Umbukta today, after shopping, I would take up the offer.
So I quickly go to the highway to start hitching. Problem: basically no car is passing by as the Swedish/Norwegian border has closed again last night. I wait and wait and wait. The few cars passing by don't stop.
By 17:00h I decide: screw it. Would be a shame if I got stuck in Mo I Rana, while a nice cabin is waiting here for me. I will have to figure out tomorrow, how to resupply. But for now, I'm in my warm cabin, waiting for dinner to be ready.

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Fredy Koster (Monday, 07 September 2020 19:51)
Once more, it seems this Norwegian are very awful nice people.