Randalselva to Kvepsendal
Distance: 30km
First thing I usually do when I wake up: checking if the rain fly of my tent is wet. Usually, it is. Overnight rain or high humidity. But not today! Saves me from cold hands when packing and makes my pack a few 100 grams lighter. It's easy going all the way. A bit of up and down, mostly on grass. Would be perfect for some barefoot walking if it wasn't that cold. There's not always a visible trail but it's marked excellently. Even a blind chicken like me finds the way easily.
I haven't been walking for long l when, it starts to drizzle. Not long enough to really annoy me. Virvatnet, a lake, looks spectacular with its unique islands. A huge cottage somewhat spoils the scenery though.
What else to say? In fact it is so easy going, by 14:00h I reach my planned overnight place. Should I stay or should I continue. Always the same question. I opt for the former. Just too lazy to continue.
Oh, and I found a smart phone today. Lying there right on the trail together with some tissues and lip balsam. Strange combination. All items soaked, the phone dead as a rock and no one around.
Still, I call 'Hello, anyone here?'. No response. Obviously. Maybe fallen out of the backpack?
I don't like finding these things as I never know what to do with them. Leave them and hope for the owner to return and find them or take the items and drop them in a town? The only shoe prints that looks recent are the opposite way I'm going. And they look like the size of a shoe for women. Which would make sense as the phone has a pinkish color.
Anyway, I take the phone with me and will leave it in Umbuktu.
Speaking of Umbuktu. No, it's not a city in West Africa. It's a small settlement on a highway, which I hope to reach tomorrow. Once there, I have to immediately try to hitch into Mo I Rana to buy food for the next 8 days. The shops I plan on going are closing at 21:00h. If I don't make it, it's going to be a challenge to resupply, as will be Sunday the following day and the possibility for resupply rather limited.
You will read it here if my plan works out or not...

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