4km South of Baugevatnet to Sargga
Distance: 30km (maybe a bit less)
Somehow I ride through the stormy night. With the wind rocking my tent constantly, I barely fall asleep.
Weather wise, today is similar. Rain in the morning, improving towards the afternoon. It is much colder though, the snow down to roughly 1200 meters, which is 300 meters above my camping spot. So I am not surprised, when the odd snowflake appears between the rain drops.
Going is tough, not to say miserable - once more. I can't wait for sunny or at least dry days (let's be humble). Water from above, water from below. All these streams I need to wade are melting water. Yup, that is cold.
I cross Bavrojavrre via a natural dam. Only 20 meters are newly bridged. Until last year, rowboats were used to cover the gap. Quite cool, today, with 30 knots crosswind, I would have ended up in Murmansk with my boat.
Weather improves as does my mood. Especially, after crossing the damaged bridge, the hiker warned me of yesterday. Crossing was borderline to reckless. While climbing the timber ladder to the bridge, the ladder partially collapses. Even though I was expecting it, I am still take off guard. Still, I manage to reach the wobbly bridge, which I cross on my knees, bright blue glacial water below. Slow and steady I make my way across. With a bit of adrenaline and the sun, going gets easier along several lakes. There's even some beach walk. Oh, how I miss it... Shortly after crossing Svartijahka on a much safer (Swedish) bridge, I check the map and decide to skirt around Svartitjahkka (a mountain) on the south side instead of the north. Saves me a kilometer or two and I feel like some off trail walking anyway. 6 kilometers without looking for a poorly marked trail but plotting your own route through the terrain. A nice change.
Weather deteriorates quickly and when I spot a shelter on Grensleden (another trail) I decide to call it a day. The shelter is extremely basic. 3 walls, 1 open side. It's rocking back and forth whenever a gust hits the structure. But it does its job just fine. Gives me desperately needed shelter from the wind and the rain.

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Fredy (Thursday, 03 September 2020 20:41)
I think you was the last one who took the bridge, very shaky indeed:)