Skojaddejavre to 4km South of Baugevatnet
Distance: 35km
It's a tough morning. Driving rain, wind, cold and a steep descent on slippery rocks. The descent takes me down to a road. If I turn right, it would take me back to civilization. If I turn
left, I continue on E1. All wet and miserable, it's incredibly tempting to go left. Having a good dinner and a warm, comfortable place to sleep. But I don't give up so quickly and follow the
road deeper into the wild. The wind blowing the rain straight into my face. No fun. Luckily though, the rain slowly stops and for a few moments the clouds give way to the sun. Such a
motivation booster. Eventually, I leave the road again (there won't be another one for the next 200km) and climb out of the valley along some bulldozer tracks. It's super steep, making my
heart beat like a machine gun. Once on top of a flat, a wonderful trail awaits me. A pleasure to hike it.
I cross another hiker. He tells me, a bridge I am supposed to cross tomorrow is broken. The water too deep to cross. Shit. The good news: He was able to walk around the lake. A three hours
detour. Could be worse.
The lovely trail trail leads down Baugevatnet, a green-blue shimmering lake. At the end of the lake should be a emergency shelter, which I plan on staying since strong winds should make
camping uncomfortable tonight.
Okay, there's a shelter. However, it's looked with a key, like all other Norwegian huts. A bit angry that an emergency shelter is locked, I hike on. Not much I can to. Mostly I am angry at
myself because I haven't gotten this freaking key yet. I definitely have to do it as soon as possible.
After another hour I spot a nice place for my tent, behind a rock, which hopefully gives me shelter from the expected storm tonight.

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