Kautekeino to Aitevarri
Distance: 40km
I feel a bit, hmmm how should I say, melancholic. I don't know if it's the right word or if it even exists in English. Anyway, again, leaving the comfort of a home, leaving great people shortly after meeting them, makes me feel a wee bit sad. As much I would love to enjoy some more time there, I have to move on. I just have to, like something is pushing or pulling me. I wouldn't feel comfortable staying.
For me it lies in the nature of a thru-hike. All the things that happen to me while on the trail and even though they never last for long and might not sound spectacular to you, cause intense emotions. And maybe that is the reason why I want to be on the trail so badly.
Anyway, back to topic. I don't want to bother you with my feelings to much. Probably don't make much sense to you ;)
Instead of following the trail, which meanders northwest through swamps, I decide to follow a backroad. 33 kilometers - unlike the typical thru-hiker I actually like road walking every now and then. Cruising along with some good music, letting the landscape sink in, without too much concentrating on my steps.
Today this saves my nerves as well as I really don't feel like plowing through swamps again.
The walk along the quiet road is unspectacular, the views getting better the higher (altitude wise;) I get. 26 kilometers non-stop before I take a first break. My legs are feeling full of energy.
At one point it is time to leave the road and head west along ATV tracks (if you are intending to do same, make sure you walk left of the fenced area. Otherwise, you will have the same pleasure as me to climb over a 3 meter fence...).
The ATV tracks are surprisingly smooth and easy to walk on and soon after a river crossing I walk up a hill. Beautifully windy and being already half past six I don't think twice and pitch my tent, especially since my feet start feeling the long roadwalk. Thanks to the wind blowing away the insects, I can enjoy the lovely view just by myself.

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