1km short of Sieimahytta to Nahpat (close to Somashytte)
Distance: 35km
The trail continues the way it finished yesterday. Overgrown, hugging the river most of the time.
Shortly after Sieimahytta the trail becomes very rough and unpleasant to walk. Luckily it improves again quickly. There would have been some lovely campspots there.
My body fills stiff and somewhat out of power. I hope I haven't exaggerated it the last few days. However, I know my body quite well and never felt like I've gone close to its limits.
The 700m climb towards Somashytte starts steep. Through beautiful pine forest on a great track. The similarity of the area with the one of the Engadin is astonishing. There's literally no difference! And I say this as someone, who knows the Engadin like the back of my hand.
Soon after beginning the climb I pass an impressive waterfall (well that certainly is a difference to the Engadin, even though there are some nice waterfalls too, just a bit smaller ;)
Way too soon, I leave my beloved pine forest and enter birch forest. Also nice but not the same. Then it happens. I cross a swamp. Exiting? Well not exactly the crossing but what I found in there: ripe cloud berries! Still not exciting? Well, since I hitched to Nordkapp, each and everyone was telling me to try cloud berries - the wildest berries on earth. During the last couple of days I walked past so many of them, but all of them still red, meaning not ripe yet. But not today! They are scattered all over the place and evereating Sandro doesn't hesitate. I fill my stomach with these delicious berries, well needed energy for the further climb.
It's so stinking hot that I have to remove my rain jacket. A ton of insect repellent keeps the mozzies at a good distance. Even if only for a few minutes.
Above the tree line, the vistas are spectacular. Together with the mostly nice hiking trails and the water cooler fainted sky with some cumulus clouds it makes for some exquisite hiking.
Only my body isn't up to speed today. Everything is aching. From my feet to my neck. The latter, which is hurting badly at times. Maybe from constantly looking down yesterday hiking on these overgrown trails.
During the breaks I am doing some exercises that help a bit. While my mind's plan was to go to Somashytte, my body has other plans and screams stop a few kilometers short of the hüt. No need to force anything especially since I'm not in a hurry. Overall, my progress is way better than initially thought. So much better in fact that I still have food brought from Switzerland...
With my tent pitched on a ridge with great views all around I'm all excited for tomorrow. Finland calling!

Write a comment
Fredy Koster (Monday, 10 August 2020 08:59)
Hi Sandro, great landscape. And this clout berry is an interessting fruit I haven't heard before. It' s very healty and very tough:)
It stands cold to - 38° and withstand even medium heavy wildfire, huh. Bon appétit.