Ruhkkojavri to a few kilometers north of Masi
Distance: 50km
These bastards don't leave my tent during the night. Of course they wait until I finally find the courage to leave my save haven. Too bad (for them) I'm all covered up so they have a hard time
biting. Still, they are annoying as fuck when they intrude my personal space around my head. I'll definitely get a head net once in Kautokeino. Definitely!
Similar day again, passing some building complexes and/or huts. I have to Google what their purpose is out here in the middle of nowhere. After the first of these complexes a hair-raising bridge
takes me across the outflow of Stohpoluoppal. Definitely on the same scary-level as a wire bridge.
After a second complex a juicy crossing of Ragesjohka awaits me. This one is no fun if in flood. Speaking of river crossings: there are a lot of them. Most of them easy, some might be challenging
if they have more water. Probably not that uncommon up here.
I've been incredibly lucky with the weather with plenty of sun and just some rain drops since I started. So I assume the rivers are currently fairly low.
Not so low are the numbers of mosquitoes stalking me today. Wearing my rain pants and jacket I'm sweating like I have never before. As it's pointless to make a break with
them tailing me, I continue on pushing and have my first break 5 hours into my hike when I finally reach a windy spot on top of a small hill. Completely exhausted.
Once I descend back back into the swamp again, guess what, I have company again. This time I'm not able to get rid of them. Only when I finally close the zip of my tent
and killed the last mosquitoe that made it into the tent, I can finally sigh with relief.

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