Distance today: 38.4km
Distance total: 3318.2km
Time hiked: 9h 25min
Time total: 1010h 14min
I'm leaving the hostel with the first light and oh boy, it's totally worth getting up at 5! Not necessarily because of the tide but the sunrise is stunning. One of the best I had on the trail!
A strong tailwind and firm sand on Otira Beach - the kilometers fly and with Waimatuku River that is straightforward to cross, it's only noon when I reach the outskirts of Invercargill.
James, my tonight's Couchsurfing Host won't be home until 17:30, so I slow down a little, eat some Chow Mein for lunch and stroll around Invercargill for a while, before heading south to James' place. This very friendly chap works orthopedic and bought the spacious house recently. As he still has to finish up some stuff for work, he retreats but lets me use the whirlpool. I don't mind at all. A hot tub - exactly what I need after hiking nearly 40 kilometers on firm surfaces in heavy wind.

Write a comment
Silverhikers (Saturday, 28 January 2017 10:02)
Congratulations. You have done a great job. The impressions of your journey give us much motivation to do this next season. Thank you much for let as be able to participate on your trip virtually. We learned so much about Te Araroa from your Blog. We are very exited and are looking forward to our walk trough New Zealand. Maybe we can meet up when you are back again in Switzerland. We life not far from your home. Please let as know if this is possible. Klaus and Gisela from Vinschgau, South Tyrol.
Sandro Koster (Tuesday, 31 January 2017 10:13)
Hi Gisela, hi Klaus
Thanks a lot for following me on my journey and commenting on my blog posts. It motivated me a lot!
I'm glad my blog gave you an insight and motivates you to do Te Araroa. It's an amazing experience!
Of course, I'd be very happy to meet you when I'm back in Switzerland in May! Thing is, I probably won't move back to the Engadin. But we'll definitely find a place to meet.
Einen ganz lieben Gruss aus Neuseeland,