Distance today: 21.5km
Distance total: 2754.6km
Time hiked: 4h 36min
Time total: 833h 49min
Sky clear, visibility unlimited, wind calm. It can't get any better than this (well it could be a bit warmer than 5°C ;).
Stunning views of Aoraki all the way along Lake Pukeki until I cross a dam and leave the lake. TA is sharing the gravel road, which takes me through pine forest and Tussock to Twizel, with the Alps2Ocean cycleway. Everything extremely dry and steppe-like.
Shortly after passing the aerodrome, where a Cessna is performing some touch and go's, I enter Twizel around noon.
Not much to do here. But that's actually exactly what I want and need for my Zeroday tomorrow. Eating and relaxing. Nothing fancy.

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