Distance today: 30.6km
Distance total: 1961.6km
Time hiked: 9h 29min
Time total: 576h 31min
"This morn I was awakd by the singing of the birds ashore... Their voices were the most melodious wild musick I have ever heard. Almost imitating small bells."
- Sir Joseph Banks, naturalist on board James Cook's ship Endeavour, while at anchor at Ship Cove, 1770.
Even though many birds species he heard at that time have probably long gone, I feel exactly the same as Mr Banks 250 years ago. What an amazing start of the day. I could listen to them forever. But not today, as I have a long day ahead of me...
I'm surprised that by the time I leave (shortly past 6) the school kids are already cooking their breakfast. They might be woken by the bird song as well.
Despite the cloudy weather, the hike on the very well formed track is a pleasure. Easy to walk on, never really steep and the views are nice.
There are holiday homes, lodges and campgrounds scattered along track until it leads up and away from the coast.
As yesterday, the weather is improving significantly during the early afternoon hours. Therefore, I decide to make a short detour up Mt. Eatwells, which is offering spectacular views of the sounds.
With Bay of Many Coves Camp just 30 minutes away, I'm in no hurry and probably spend around an hour up there, enjoying the scenery and eating some tasty, proper Birchermüesli offered by a German couple.
Bay of Many Coves is another great camp with lovely views of the sounds below and I really hope I don't have to share the view with anyone else.
However, after a French couple, another school class shows up, spoiling the tranquility a bit. Still, the atmosphere is really good and we keep chatting until late.
As I learn from one of the teachers, many schools currently have an outdoor education week (or however they call it), which explains why there are school kids all over the place.
With the clear sky, the temperature drops quickly once the sun is down and I hop into my cozy, warm sleeping bag, already looking forward for the bird song tomorrow morning.

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Fradul (Monday, 05 December 2016 22:41)
I love the sheeps. They look so cute. Take one along with you and you never get cold again:)
Silverhikers (Tuesday, 06 December 2016 05:52)
Beautiful views. Must be awesome there.