Day 50: John Coull Camp to Ngaporo Camp

Distance today: 44.4km

Distance total: 1455.6km 

Time hiked: 6h 53min

Time total: 421h 52min

We are speechless with amazement when the hut wardens receive their daily weather update by radio. Not because of the weather, which, as expected, won't be a burner. It's the results of the US elections, which they also transmit.

But to be honest, I currently don't really care too much. Down here by the river, surrounded by bush, on the other side of the world.

It's almost 9 when we leave the campsite. Another unusual late start for me. The distance to Ngaporo is not that great so I don't really care though. Day 2 basically copy-paste of day 1. Well, nearly. Today I will be in the front, Hannah at the back is in charge of the steering.

Progress is smooth (beside hitting the cliffs once or twice. To be fair, I didn't much better yesterday :P ).

The river get busier once past Mangapura. Jetboats shuttle people back and forth between Pipiriki and the Bridge to Nowhere. Dodging the jetboats is a lot of fun (for me at least ;)

A last tricky rapid and we are already at Ngaporo, a lovely campground with stunning views up and down the river. Definitely one of the better spots so far, If it wasn't for the super annoying sandflies...

We share the camping with two Americans. Again some nice talks while enjoying the fabulous view.

Feels like Jurassic Park ;)
Feels like Jurassic Park ;)
Ngaporo Camp
Ngaporo Camp

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Fradul (Wednesday, 16 November 2016 20:51)

    Great river, beautyful scenery and nice pictures. Enjoy and keep paddeling!


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