Distance today: 28.5km
Distance total: 537.9km
Time hiked: 7h 05min
Time total: 155h 35min
No hurry to leave as today will be a rather short, easy hike - mostly flat, initially road walking followed by beach. I munch down a whole pack of rye crackers on my way of town. Hardly finished with my crackers, I enter the next town and walk right by a bakery. Hmmm... Well I really shouldn't but I just can't resist and grab some doughnuts. I eat way too much :/
The weather is great the hike nice. Once at Te Arai Point, I take the wrong turn and end up in a rather hair raising rock hopping and climbing. Luckily I make it through safely.
For the last two hours, I team up with Romain and Greg, a Kiwi hiking the North Island. It's nice to have some company and together we approach the last stream to get to the Holiday Park. Looking quite deep as the tide is in. With only my shorts on, I do a test run through the river. Little bit more than waist deep. So with everything safely stowed, we cross the river and pitch up our tents in the quiet park.
After a swim (this time intended ;), a table soccer game against the Kiwi (NZL-SUI 0:4) and an Ice Cream, it's time to get ready for tomorrow.
Omaha and Dome Forests are expecting me...

Write a comment
Fradul (Wednesday, 12 October 2016 09:16)
I think your swim certainly was refreshing, brrr. Togh guy:). And congratulation for winning the soccer match, well done.