Distance today: 28km
Distance total: 417.8km
Time hiked: 6h 49min
Time total: 120h 14min
The rain wakes me up at around 6 but I decide to stay in the cozy bed for a little longer.
The two other TA hikers are already about to leave when I enter the kitchen at around 7. Normally, I eat my breakfast on the trail, not so today as I was in no hurry to leave the dry house
I use a sunny spell to set off. To hike at least a little bit without rain...
Today's hike is mostly on roads with a little bush walking in between. Really not that much to write about. Nice views, not many cars. For the road walking I set my self into cruise mode, listening to some relaxing music.
Somehow my mood is not good at all this morning. Rain, wind, a tired body and I'm just feeling a little lost and empty on the trail. I guess that just happens when you spend much time tramping.
The mood improves drastically while getting closer to Pataua, where the wind is currently really picking up. I'm glad to have a good spot for my tent tonight in a deserted Holiday Park (the Park is closed due to the death of one of its owners) but the lovely widow lets me stay anyway. Kiwi hospitality once again!
My phone will ring at 5 tomorrow morning, as I have to cross a nearby estuary during low tide, which is shortly before 7. Really looking forward for that!

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